Actor Deepika Padukone recently made her baby bump debut at the Kalki 2898 AD event. Deepika radiated a pregnancy glow as she opted for a stunning black bodycon dress from Loewe’s collections. The knitted dress perfectly accentuated her baby bump, making us aww. Rounding her look in a messy ponytail and minimal makeup, Deepika Padukone looked gorgeous but the cost of her look is in crores. No kidding!
For the event, Deepika Padukone donned a classic black dress from Loewe. We went through the official website to check the price tag and well, it is in lakhs. The dress will cost you ₹1 lakh and 14 thousand. Moreover, Deepika who is also the brand ambassador was seen wearing high-end jewellery from Cartier and those are expensive AF!
Here’s the cost of Deepika Padukone look
$45,800 = 38,30,904.36
$48,200 = 40,32,004.71
$3,100 = 2,59,316.55
$10,300 = 8,61,383.85
$164,000 = Rs 1,37,17,648.80.
$4,950 = 4,14,038.79
The total cost of her look comes to Rs 1,93,98,389 which can fund you a house in a city like Mumbai. Damn, those are expensive! Nevertheless, Deepika Padukone in a baby bump has melted our hearts. Soon-to-be mother is now gearing up for the release of Kalki 2898 AD. The movie also stars Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan and Disha Patani. Kalki 2898 AD is scheduled to release on June 27.
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